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Alchemy of the Heart is a phsyco/emotional, spiritual and energetic program designed to give you a road map to clear false, limiting beliefs, clear emotions and energy and begin manifesting the life you want from a healthy and purposeful place. It is a process of self inquiry, accountability and evaluation. During this eight week course you will evaluate everything from the food you eat, your overall physical health and relationship with your body, the way you show up in relationships your ability to create, intuition and so much more. We work directly with the energy body and seven main chakras to clear stagnation on all levels so that you can begin to opperatate on a level that will help you to manifest the life you truly want. We are the most divine complex powerful technology on the plant. We are conduits of energy and work as antenna. The problem is most of us have no idea what stations we are tuning in to and continue to live out the traumas and drama of past experience, past life experience and ancestral trapped trauma & emotions. All of this leads to continuing to make the same choices or even trying different choices but getting the same results. Emotions are energetic and attract like emotions. We can think all the positive thoughts we want and have all the affirmations, but the truth is that if when you say “I attract wealth and abundance with ease” but simultaneously are feeling the stress of past due bills and upcoming expenses it actually has a counter effect. So how do we reprogram and reboot our system? There are many methodologies to do just that. By tapping into the main chakra system with ancient knowledge and modern day science we are able to reprogram on all levels so that you can truly create the life you were meant to live.

This program is intense and only suitable for people who want real change and are willing to do the work. We work to release trauma and false beliefs but it is not a pity party. We will work through it;  acknowledge, clear it, and reprogram with new purposeful, heart felt thoughts beliefs and emotions so that you can truly thrive.

Nicole has worked with hundreds of people who claim to make big breakthroughs in business, confidence, increasing wealth, health, finding soul mates, increasing intuition and insight and having an overall excitement and wellbeing for life.


This program includes:

Weekly sessions that may include movement breath work energetic and emotional clearing,  creative rituals journaling and writing exercises

weekly check ins

Alchemy of the heart manual


Apply for this program by reaching out @