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Kalari is a physical practice for the body and mind. It gives you better balance, flexibility, focus and teaches you how to get greater economy out of your body’s movement, both physical and mental. Its a playful yet structured style of movement. You probably haven’t moved like this in a long time or ever…

Kalari is a lifestyle that encourages Health and Wellness.

The practice is claimed by some as the mother of martial arts. Which we know is practically impossible to confirm but hey its an ancient practice with a lot of wisdom built-in and encourages a life of longevity. So all is good there.

The long name for it is Kalaripayattu and goes by Kalari for short.

It’s a complete body-mind conditioning and training system, studied by ancient healers and warriors; now available to modern man and woman as a path of physical refinement and mental acuity.

A sibling to Yoga and Ayurveda; sharing many of the same philosophies with influences going both ways. However, it is a stand-alone practice and a branch of the Vedic sciences.

A history of secrecy, elusiveness, and suppression has kept it under wraps. Knowledge of the practice is incredibly rare, especially here in the west. But not for long…

Kalari Movement is helping to drive Kalaripayattu out of obscurity and into the mainstream as every human can benefit by moving their body in the kalari way. As a global community, we are looking to enhance our lives, by raising our vibration and creating the best possible lives for ourselves and others. These types of holistic body-mind practices are needed now more than ever.

Kalaripayattu is the “new-ancient” way to get a full-body workout and focus the mind in one complete practice. Feel energized and excited about improving your mental alertness and physical conditioning. Whilst developing even greater confidence and competence knowing that you can handle whatever life brings in a more constructive and joyful way. There is resonance in these movement patterns created thousands of years ago; like an old song or storytelling your body ways to move to help you along your life path. Kalari is a truly primal movement that your body and mind are naturally inclined to do. This is not a hybrid-fusion-blend, that we made up :). We say that because there are so many blend-fusion workouts out these days as a way to be the differentiator. Know that you will be practicing an ancient art passed down from teacher to pupil for thousands of years.

Kalari is designed to help you be flexible, agile, focused and resistant to injury and fatigue. Learn ancient practices and techniques that will benefit you every day for the rest of your life.  Read more about kalari here.

Nicole is the premier Kalari teacher in the United States and offers 1 on 1 kalari sessions group classes workshops and teacher trainings. Visit her Kalari Movement Web site @